Here you can mark your daily habits.
List of habits (of course not all of those habits are essential; you can customize them)
- SLEEP - choose the amount of hours of sleep
- GET UP 5.30-7.30 - mark if you got up early
- QUICK SHOWER - mark if you took a quick, preferably cold shower
- WEIGHT - check your weight in the morning then write it down
- DAILY STOIC - mark if you read Daily Stoic
- MORNING MEDIDATION - mark if you medidated in the morning
- EXERCISE - mark if you exercised
- EXERCISE TYPE - choose the type of exercise
- LEARN - choose the topic you learned today
- READ/PODCAST - mark if you read a book or listened to a podcast
- DUOLINGO - mark if you did Duolingo
- FITATU - mark if you checked your daily calorie and water intake on Fitatu (or other app, like Fitness Pal)
- 8,5K STEPS - mark if you have taken 8,5k steps
- JOURNAL - mark if you wrote in your journal
- TOMORROW PLAN - mark if you made plans for tomorrow
- EVENING MEDITATION - mark if you medidated in the evening/before sleep